Privacy Policy

Welcome to (“we”, “our”, or “us”). The trust and confidence of our website visitors, service users, and partners is our highest priority. We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal data we collect and process.
This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we might collect when you:
  • Visit our official website at, or any associated sites or platforms linked to this policy.
  • Utilize any of our services or features.
  • Interact with us through various means, including sales inquiries, marketing campaigns, or events.
In this policy, you’ll find detailed explanations about how we handle your data, the purposes behind our data collection, and your rights regarding the personal data you share with us. By accessing or using our Service, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of this policy, kindly refrain from using our services.
For any inquiries, clarifications, or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at
Please note: The terms mentioned in this Privacy Policy have the same definitions as in our Terms of Service unless otherwise specified.
We only collect data that you provide to us; we do not obtain your data from third-party services.

Types of data collected



Legal basis

Storage period

Financial administration
Name, Company name, Billing address, Email address
As long as necessary for this purpose
Name, Company name, Billing address, Email address
As long as necessary for this purpose
Providing the service itself
Email address, Customer file data, Data necessary to provide the service, Data generated by the service
As long as necessary for this purpose
Name, Company name, Billing address, Email address, Online behaviour, Click behaviour
As long as necessary for this purpose
Website analytics
Online behaviour, Location
Legitimate interests (Commercial interests)
As long as necessary for this purpose
Account management
Name, Company name, Billing address, Email address Username, Password, User ID
As long as necessary for this purpose
Scientific research
Social contacts, Online behaviour, Click behaviour, Email address, ,Behavioural data
As long as necessary for this purpose

Use of Third-Party Data Processors

In our commitment to deliver a top-quality service, we collaborate with various third-party companies and individuals. These third-party data processors play critical roles in areas such as:
  • Accounting: To maintain our financial records and ensure compliance with tax and other financial regulations.
  • Legal and Compliance: To ensure that our operations meet the legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Email and Newsletter Services: To communicate with you, provide updates, and deliver our newsletters.
  • CRM Software: To manage and maintain our customer relationships, ensuring that we can efficiently and effectively address your needs.
These third parties have limited access to your Personal Data and only use it to perform specific tasks on our behalf. They are contractually bound to protect your data and maintain confidentiality. They cannot use your data for any other purpose than what we’ve explicitly agreed upon.
We’re dedicated to diligently choosing our third-party processors, ensuring they uphold stringent data protection standards in line with global privacy laws.
For any concerns or if you wish to know more about our third-party processors and their privacy practices, please contact us at

Your Rights under the GDPR if You Are a Resident of the EU

As a resident of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants you certain rights regarding your personal data. We respect these rights and provide the following mechanisms for you to exercise them:
  1. Right to Access: You can request access to your personal data that we process. This includes obtaining a copy of all such data.
  2. Right to Rectification: If any of your personal data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request its correction.
  3. Right to Erasure: Under certain conditions, you can ask for your personal data to be deleted from our systems.
  4. Right to Restrict Processing: You can request limitations on how we process your personal data.
  5. Right to Object: If we process your data based on legitimate interests, you can object to this processing.
  6. Data Portability: We will provide you with your personal data in a structured and commonly used format upon request.
  7. Withdrawal of Consent: If we process your data based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time. Note that this won’t affect data processing that has already occurred.
  8. Complaints: If you believe your GDPR rights have been infringed, you can lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in your country.
To exercise any of these rights or for any GDPR-related inquiries, please contact us at We may request verification of your identity before processing any such requests. Some services may be affected if certain personal data is not provided.
Please note that the legal bases on which we process your personal data may include consent, performance of a contract, compliance with legal obligations, and protection of vital interests, among others.

Transferring Your Data Outside the European Union

For operational, technical, and other legitimate business purposes, it may become necessary to transfer your personal data to locations outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). We understand the importance of ensuring the security and privacy of your data, especially given the different data protection regulations that might exist outside the EEA.
To ensure your data’s maximum protection:
  1. EU Model Clauses: Whenever feasible, we utilize the EU Model Clauses (Standard Contractual Clauses) as a safeguard for these transfers. The EU Model Clauses are contractual clauses that both the sender and the receiver of the personal data agree upon, ensuring that GDPR-compliant data protection standards are upheld, even outside the EEA.
  2. Seeking Your Consent: In scenarios where the EU Model Clauses or other GDPR-approved mechanisms are not applicable, we will explicitly seek your informed consent before making any data transfer. We will ensure that you are fully informed about the countries your data may be transferred to and the potential risks associated with such transfers due to the absence of an adequate data protection standard in those countries.
  3. Withdrawing Consent: You retain the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you choose to do so, we will cease any further transfers of your data that rely on your consent and take steps to ensure that your data remains protected to GDPR standards.
Please understand that certain services might rely on data transfer mechanisms, and restricting or withdrawing consent could impact the availability or quality of these services. If you have any questions or concerns about how we handle your data or wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us at

Changes to This Privacy Statement

Our Privacy Statement may undergo updates from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, operational needs, or legal requirements. To stay informed about how we process and safeguard your personal data, we recommend periodically reviewing our Privacy Statement.

Inquiries and Feedback

If you have questions, concerns, or feedback about this Privacy Statement or our data handling practices, please reach out to us at We value your input and are committed to addressing any concerns you may have.

Cookies and Local Storage for the Website and the Chat Widget

1. What are Cookies and Local Storage?
  • Cookies: Small text files placed on your device by our website. They allow us to recognize you on subsequent visits and can store data about your preferences and actions.
  • Local Storage: A web storage solution that allows websites to store data in a browser on a device. Unlike cookies, local storage can hold more data and is not sent with every server request.
2. Use of Cookies and Local Storage in Our Chat Widget:
  • Session Maintenance: To provide a seamless chat experience, we use cookies to remember your chat session so if you navigate to different pages or return to our website later, you can continue the chat without interruption.
  • User Preferences: Local storage can remember your chat settings and preferences, ensuring a consistent experience, also it can store you chat history if needed.
  • Performance and Analytics: Cookies can help us gather data on chat widget usage, helping us to understand user needs and improve our service.
  • Security: To ensure the chat sessions are secure, cookies might be used to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts.
  • User Identification: If you’ve chatted with us before, cookies and local storage might help us remember past interactions and provide more personalized support.
3. Your Choices and Control:
  • Disabling: You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but doing so may impact the functionality of our website and chat widget and your ability to interact seamlessly.
  • Clearing Local Storage: Just as you can clear your browser cookies, you can also clear your local storage. Doing this might reset any preferences you set in our chat widget.
  • Privacy Modes: Using your browser in private or incognito mode may restrict the chat widget from setting cookies or using local storage.
4. Commitment to Privacy:
We respect your right to privacy. Our use of cookies and local storage for the chat widget is geared towards improving your user experience and not for tracking your personal activities. Any data collected is processed in line with our broader privacy policies and commitments.
5. Further Information:
If you have questions or concerns about how our chat widget uses cookies and local storage, please reach out to our support or refer to our detailed privacy policy.